A group of 14 Bible Translators, Consultants, teachers and Project Coordinators from all around the world has graduated from an intensive and interactive “One Book at A Time” Poetry Course in the Land of the Bible. This year, the two-week course focused on the Prophet Micah and his connection to the book’s Context: The Land. Drs. Ernst Wendland and Lynell Zogbo, with the help of Mr. Christopher Lovelace, instructed the group through this unique course for the second year, after the successful Psalms course last year.

Students enjoyed the detailed and systematic studies of the book of Micah, the interactions with JCBT’s unique teachers and study tour guides. When asked, students noted the Home’s warm atmosphere, the active learning, and the spirit of prayer as the most effective and appreciated experiences in this course. The course provided an in-depth exegetical study of the book of Micah based on the Hebrew text, a discussion of its geographic, cultural and historical context, as well as its many translation challenges, especially focusing on producing natural poetic texts in mother tongues.

In their own words, students were challenged to research poetry in their languages so that they could better guide translators of the Hebrew Scriptures. Students were amazed by the landscape and archaeology, and were intrigued by the live agricultural demonstrations. One student even mentioned that this course provided him with the opportunity to see a desert, one of the most central geographical features in the Bible, for the 1st time! Interpreting the Scriptures within their original context became a live and exciting experience for these translators of the Word.

You can Read More about this course, and watch the special Video Presentation by Clicking Here.