Donations are USA tax-deductible and appreciated from around the world. Your donations go directly to aiding in the translation of the scriptures into more languages from around the world.
Secure Giving
We accept five methods of donations. You can either make a one-time gift or a monthly recurring donation or a one-time gift. Make your donation today using one of the following methods.
- Direct Bank Transfer. This method is the most effective for JCBT and you. It has the least cost and can be scheduled flexibly.
- E-giving online. Credit or Debit Card and ACH (Automated Clearing House).
- Paypal.
- Electronic American Check or saving account.
- Send check in the mail.
*US tax deductible receipts will be provided for donations received.
Mailing Checks
USA Tax-Deductible Checks may be sent payable to:*
JCBTRiddle & Butts Attorneys
8777 W. Rayford Road
The Woodlands
TX 77382
USADirect Bank Transfer:
The Home for Bible Translators in Jerusalem
Routing #: 111000614
Account #: 572388729
Federal ID #04-3286275
Donating Non-Cash Items
Donation of non-cash items are appreciated. Please contact us for details on how to proceed with this.
Sponsor a Translator
Sponsoring a Translator Spreads the Word to Thousands and Millions!
Sponsor a mother tongue translator to attend our Biblical Hebrew training program in Jerusalem, Israel — the only place to learn and experience both the language and land of the Bible.
To donate online to the Scholarship Fund simply specify the focus of your giving under “Notes” in our donation portal. If you have a specific prospective translator applicant you wish to support you may specify their name. For a check donation just include a note in the envelope.
The semester cost for each student is $7,500 (covering both academic and accommodation fees, as well as local transportation and other expenses).
Pray for JCBT
- Thank God for the past successful semester in spite of Corona!
- Please pray for the students of the current semester program with its expert faculty. JCBT is now committed to serve the Bible translation consultants because they have the major responsibility as those who review translations and give the final OK for publishing.
- Thank God that we can look forward in high anticipation of HIS leadership in this upcoming 25th year of JCBT/HBT semester programs.