By, Rose Ntemenaso. Ghana.
2018 Semester Program Alumni.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6 )
I am very glad to share the goodness of the Lord in my life and the Bible Translation Project (Delo) in Ghana here after studying Biblical Hebrew at JCBT in Israel last year 2018.

First of all, I wish to thank all JCBT workers from the cooks to the sponsors for your supports spiritually, physically, financially and in all diverse ways to help produce good and quality Bible for the World.
The Hebrew language is very important to every translator. It gives a detailed understanding of the Bible which makes the translation easy.
Before coming to Israel, we were finding difficulties to differentiate between well and cistern, and our understanding of valleys such as Jezreel valley as a dersert is different. But my coming to Israel has helped solve these challenges easily.
I am making good use of the Hebrew language in my translation. Anytime we are doing drafting or doing team checking, I read the Hebrew text and compare it to the English source text to check whether they skip some vital information. So we don’t rely solely on the English versions again and it makes our consultant checking too very easy.
I am very happy and proud to say that we have finished and published the five books of Moses (Pentateuch)!

We have done consultant checking for the book of Joshua, Ruth, Judges, and we have just finish consultant checking for the 1st book of Samuel. We have drafted and had a team checking for the book of 2nd Samuel.
I wish I could get the opportunity to come and have additional studies to help me be fluent and gain full potential in the language. Because it is interesting when reading and understanding the Bible in its original text.

I will also ask for your prayer support for me and my family and the project for God’s protection, blessing, and financial support.
I will always Remember JCBT and the whole family not forgetting my competent teachers.